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Bloomington Hockey Associations

 Hockey Players in Bloomington are members of the Jefferson Boy's or Bloomington Girl's youth hockey associations. Where you register and play hockey depends on where you live. If you are uncertain which is your home association follow the link to the School Locator at the Bloomington Public Schools website below.

Bloomington's School Locator

Minnesota Hockey's Residency Rule states that in most cases players are to register, based on their residence, with the association that serves their area of High School attendance. Use the Bloomington Public Schools School Locator to find which is your home association.

Minnesota Hockey's Participation Rule

A. RESIDENCY POLICY MH is a community-based amateur hockey program. Members in good standing are to participate on teams from their local association (local affiliate) based on the residence of their parent(s) or legal guardian(s). The boundaries of the geographical area served by each local association are determined by MH and recorded in the Affiliate Agreements. In some circumstances, players may participate in another association by requesting a formal waiver from this policy.
1. Youth Hockey players must register and participate with the association whose boundaries
incorporate the player’s residence. If a player desires to participate on a team from any other association, the player must obtain a waiver.
a.     All waiver requests must be submitted on the current Waiver Form provided by MH.    
b.    The Waiver Form must indicate the reason for the waiver request.
(school attendance,opportunity to play on travel team, co-op team, etc.).
c.     Any conditions that apply to a waiver must be indicated on the Waiver Form
and initialed by all parties executing the waiver.
d.    Waiver Forms must be signed by the releasing and receiving association president
Before being submitted to the District Director responsible for those associations for approval. If the releasing and receiving associations are in two districts, the waiver form must be submitted to both District Directors for approval.
2. Definitions Association of Residence: the association whose boundaries incorporate the player's residence. Association of School Attendance: the association whose boundaries incorporate the location of the school the player attends. Home Association: either the Association of Residence, or the Association of School Attendance to which a player has been properly waived.
3. A waiver shall be granted to any player who wishes to participate in the MH association whose boundaries incorporate the school in which the player is enrolled and is attending. For schools with multiple campuses, the "main" campus shall prevail unless agreed otherwise by the affected District Director(s). Players waived based on school choice shall be deemed to be members of their Association of School Attendance and shall have full rights and privileges accorded to all members of that association, including voting rights. (Exception – see "Changing Schools" below.) Players receiving a waiver based on school attendance shall register with their Association of School Attendance for as long as they are qualified students of that school (including the first year).
4. Players waived for non-school attendance reasons shall be subject to the receiving association's policies in accordance with MH governing documents (e.g. may not be eligible for "A" team, may be assigned to lowest available team, etc.). They shall remain members of their Home Association, not the association they were waived into, with full rights and privileges accorded to all members of their Home Association, including voting rights.
5. Changing Schools
         a. Players whose Home Association has been based on residence:
Players who newly enroll in a school outside of the boundaries of their Association of Residence without a corresponding change of residence, shall elect one of the following:
         1. Retain full eligibility to compete at any classification in their Association of
             Residence; or
         2. Be eligible at the "B" classification or lower in their new Association of School
             Attendance for one (1) year beginning with the first day of attendance in the new
            school (a waiver is required).
         b. Players whose Home Association has been based on school attendance:
Players who newly enroll in a school outside of the boundaries of their Association of School Attendance without a corresponding change of residence, shall elect one of the following:
1.     Have full eligibility to compete at any classification in their Association of
Residence; or
2.     Have full eligibility to compete at any classification in their new Association
of School Attendance if they completed the grades of school offered at their former Association of School Attendance; or
3.     Be eligible at the "B" classification or lower in their new Association of School
Attendance for one (1) year beginning with the first day of attendance in the new school if they did not complete the grades of school offered at their former Association of School Attendance.
         c. Unusual circumstances may be submitted to the District Director for determination. The District Director's decision is final.
6. A player that participates without a necessary waiver is considered an ineligible player. Refer to the Section entitled Eligibility Provisions. A waiver must be obtained before a player can participate outside of their Home Association. During a season, a player that registers or participates with one association cannot participate with any other association without a waiver (applies to players with dual residency).
7. A player denied a waiver by his/her Home Association may appeal in writing to the District Director having jurisdiction over the Home Association, who after investigation will issue a ruling. The decision of the District Director is final. Also see Section entitled Eligibility Provisions.
8. Players having dual citizenship, one being the United States, must also conform to the residency rule.

For more Information see the Minnesota Hockey Webpage